Cost: Registration is $150 a person (youth, adult, and WHEATY). What is included in that? You will receive an awesome t-shirt, great worship music, powerful speakers, terrific social time, moving breakout sessions, dinner, and a snack on Day 1, breakfast, and lunch on Day 2; all the stuff that youth boast about at school the Monday after the gathering. And to hear that no matter what, God is with [abides] with them!
Non-refundable registration costs $150 until Oct 27th.
Registrations received from October 28th to November 3rd will be $180.
Registration is from 4:00-6:00 in the Program Center (the building with the gym and animals). The WHEATYs training will be from 5:30-6:30. The Adult Leader meeting will be at 6:00, and the youth will be led in “mixers” at the same time. Dinner will end at 6:00 on Day 1; please plan accordingly. The gathering will conclude at about 2:30 pm, after the closing worship service.
You will need a “Trip Leader,” an adult, who will be at the Gathering and will be the point person.
For each registrant, you need the following:
This year, there will be an opportunity to bring “WHEATYS,” or High School teens (mentors/role models), who will have a short training session in peer ministry and leadership skills during registration time. As for the number of WHEATYs you can bring, every church can have at least 2. Then, you can have extra WHEATYs at this ratio of 5 participants to 1 WHEATY, so at 15 Middle Schoolers, there can be 3 and so on. However, the number of WHEATYs cannot outnumber the number of adults. The LYO Board recommends at least a 1:5 adult-to-youth ratio; and if you have particpants in each gendered housing, please have an Adult Leader that can stay with them.
Accommodations: Since we will be at a camp, we will be staying in the new and newly remodeled winterized cabins. Each cabin has 6 bunk beds (give or take) and a bathroom (private showers). Linens are not provided. You may be sharing a cabin with other churches.
[1] If you have transgendered, nonbinary, or transitioning participants, please email Kris ( and we will work on housing that is best for them.