- All final paperwork is signed and submitted to the synod office (sample resignation letter, certification form, and covenant - described below).
- The rostered minister explains to the council the expectations regarding appropriate boundaries after leaving the call as stated in the ELCA's Definitions and Guidelines for Discipline and in the Northwestern Minnesota Synod Constitution. Council leadership will explain to the congregation these same boundaries moving forward (sample communication is available).
- A covenant is then signed by the outgoing rostered minister and the president of the congregation or designee.
- Both the congregation AND the rostered minister need to contact Portico (Porticobenefits.org) regarding the end dates of the ministry.
- Recognition and celebration of the rostered minister and their family can be the responsibility of the congregation council. A committee may be appointed to plan and carry out an event for a blessed farewell. The ending of a pastoral relationship is a time for compassion and care-giving.