We recommend that a call committee be formed early in the interim period. While the call committee may not be ready to begin considering candidates for some time, it will be helpful to have a call committee in place early on so that it can receive the orientation from synod staff, coordinate with the LGBTQ+ Accompaniment Team, and have ample time to work through the self-study. Note: there may be some circumstances in which synod staff will advise delaying the formation of a call committee, such as when the previous call ended under less than amicable circumstances.
Consult with your congregation's constitution regarding considerations for forming a call committee. If the congregation's constitution requires that the call committee be elected by the congregation, we advise that the congregation council prepare a slate of call committee candidates who are representative of the congregation.
A member of the synod staff, and possibly also the conference dean, will meet with the call committee and executive council for training and orientation. A chairperson and secretary from the call committee will be established and their contact information shared with the synod office.
The members of the call committee commit themselves to daily prayer and meeting devotions throughout the process and invite members of the congregation to do so as well.
Communicate! The call committee should establish a pattern of regular communication (temple talks, newsletter articles, letters to the congregation, bulletin inserts) with the congregation. At least monthly communication is helpful, even if there is little to report.
Video Supplement for Step Four from Pastor Genelle Netland, Associate to the Bishop