Once the call committee has arrived at a final candidate, they should notify the rostered minister to let them know that they are now the final candidate for the call.
In consultation with the rostered leader the call committee presents a summary of their recommendation of this candidate to the congregation council for their approval. Confidentiality needs to remain a top priority for both council and the call committee.
After the council’s approval of the nomination, follow your constitution for the next steps.
The council president completes the authorization form that requests the synod staff to initiate the Minnesota State 604.20 background check for rostered ministers (pastors or deacons). This can take several days, here is the Background Authorization Form.
The candidate and council meet to agree upon the compensation package (Word and Sacrament - pastors) or (Compensation Word and Service - deacons), start date, and other details related to the start of ministry. A Synod Staff person MUST review the compensation before the congregational meeting votes on the proposal.
An Excel Spreadsheet with formulas already embedded can be found here to help with the calculations for compensation and benefits. (NOTE: dollar amounts may change per the request of the rostered minister AFTER the call is in place and a regularly scheduled council meeting.)
If the candidate agrees to move forward, then that candidate must also withdraw from any other call processes in which they are involved.
Once the 604.20 background check is complete, the council sets a date for a special congregation meeting to call a pastor or deacon.
Video Supplement for Step Eight from Pastor Genelle Netland, Associate to the Bishop