Trinity Lutheran Church in LaPorte LEAPS Into Action!!
When Trinity Lutheran in LaPorte decided to plant a native prairie, they went all in! Here is their process....
"The motto for a prairie is : sleep (1st year), creep (2nd year), and leap (3rd year). We are on the 2nd year, so there isn’t much to show at this point.
The Youth Works group covered our entire back yard with landscape fabric in August 2021. We left it on for an entire year so the grass and other plants would be killed. We did not use any chemicals. We followed the advice of Prairie Moon Nursery (located in Winona). The students from Laporte School uncovered it in September of 2022. In November of that year we sowed the seeds of over 100 species of native plants. At that time, the ground was covered with snow-they needed to overwinter in the cold. In the spring of 2023, a few plants and many invasives started to grow. We mowed the entire area (.7 acres) three times that year and put fabric back over a portion that was showing tansy- and invasive.
The Laporte School Manufacturing class made a sign for the prairie that was installed in May, 2023. The same class is working on a plaque for the inside of our Fellowship Hall on which we will have the names of all who donated financially to the prairie.
Both the Walker Pilot and the Nevis Northwoods Press newspaper featured articles showing the students and a summary of the prairie project."
Thank you, Trinity, for your commitment to restoring the prairie!!
What can you do to help "restore" creation?