Pastor Rob Nelson, retired and living in Rochester, MN. 

I am a level 2 ELCA coach in the specialties of:

  • Stewardship
    • Financial Empowerment for Missional Leaders,
    • Six Weeks Of Money,
    • Cultivating Generous Congregations,
    • and Consecration Sunday
  • Discipleship,
  • Congregational Vitality,
  • and Care of Creation. 

I have also added to my coaching toolbox; adaptive leadership, innovation, spiritual practices, entrepreneurial ministry, and storytelling.

I am also registered as a coach with Luther Seminary Faith+Lead.   I am a curator of resources for helping pastors achieve in ministry. 

My favorite Scripture verse is  Micah 6: 8..."And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."    

In retirement my goal is to be an active old pastor with grit, grace and generosity.  

I can be contacted at 218-371-6853 or