Our Synod's Mission Developers

top row- left to right Pr. Mark Olson, Pr. René Mehlberg, Pr. Emily Papke-Larson, and Pastor Grant Vanderford

bottom row- left to right Pr. Melissa Pickering, Pr. Rebel Hurd [Associate to the Bishop for Mission and Director for Evangelical Mission], Pastor Birgitte Simpson

Developers of the Mission

Pastor Melissa Pickering

Rural Revival Ministry Mission Developer

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Pastor Emily Papke-Larson
Mission Developer: A Community Called Grace
Campus Ministry - Bemidji

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Pastor Birgitte Simpson

 Mission Developer: Peoples Church in Bemidji

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Pastor Grant Vanderford
Mission Developer: Table of Mercy

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Pastor René L. Mehlberg

Mission Developer: A New Journey Lutheran Parish

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Pastor Mark Olson

MIssion Developer: Shared Ministry on White Earth

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Campus Ministry: Crossroads at MSUM


Brother Jeff Brown

Faith Practices Champion

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Adaptive Leadership Champion


Pastor Meggie Bjertness [beginning in April]

Coachability Champion


Pastor Tiffany Jeske Sundeen

Emotional Intelligence Champion

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Pastor Devlyn Brooks

Storytelling Champion

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